A Critical Infrastructure Investment in Akron

The City of Akron’s Waterways Renewed! Program, begun in 2014, represents one of the largest infrastructure investments in the city’s history. To help with much of the engineering and design of new waterway systems, Akron has worked closely with GPD throughout the program’s ongoing process. 

Much of the work has centered around Akron’s 27-ft. Ohio Canal Interceptor Tunnel. Here, GPD designed a series of near-surface combined sewer diversions and consolidation sewers at various overflow locations in downtown sewersheds ranging in size from 8-in. to 108-in. 

Design packages were subdivided into location-specific sets to accommodate tunnel construction at various sites across the city. Portions of the overall design are complete while others will be completed throughout 2020. Full diversion of flows will occur when tunnel components are tested, accepted and have achieved full operation acceptance.  

One massive infrastructure investment

Numerous combined sewer diversions

An ongoing, successful partnership