Beechers Brook Restoration Eliminates Erosion and Improves Maintenance

In order to address significant channel incision, streambank erosion and infrastructure threats, and to improve water quality and eliminate continuous maintenance concerns, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) partnered with GPD on a restoration project at the Beechers Brook stream. 

Beechers Brook drains approximately 1.2 square miles at the project site and consists of suburban, urban and industrial land. The project area has been identified as a 700-foot reach upstream of the culvert, encompassing an area of slope instability approximately 170 linear feet and 15 feet high. GPD’s project design also included an ecological uplift to restoring habitat and improving water quality. This successful restoration included 800 linear feet of stream restoration, stabilization of the failed slop and improvement water quality and habitat. 

Erosion and infrastructure threats eliminated

Habitat and water quality improved

A collaborative, successful project